Background Information Questionnaire

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Revision as of 22:02, 17 October 2014 by Dttinsley (talk | contribs)
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The Background Information questionnaire is comprised of your Employment and Criminal History. You will be asked a series of questions related to both areas. For those questions with a Yes response text-box will display to provide additional relevant details.

The Employment History page is where you indicate if you receive or have applied for Federal government retirement. You can also indicate if you have prior civilian Federal government service not listed on your resume or application, and any periods of leave without pay.

The Criminal History page is where you answer background information questions regarding your criminal history. The following elements are displayed:

  • During the last 7 years, have you been convicted, imprisoned, on probation, or on parole? (Includes felonies, firearms, or explosive violations, misdemeanors, and II other offenses.). The radio button options are Yes or No.
  • Have you been convicted of a military court-martial in the past 7 years?. The radio button options are Yes or No.
  • Are you currently under any charges for any violation of law?. The radio button options are Yes or No.
  • Previous. This button returns you to the previous page.
  • Save & Continue. This button allows you to save the information entered on this page and proceed to the next page.
  • Return to Task. This button returns you to the Task Details page for a task.