Applicant Information
The Applicant Information page is where you review the notification, referral and qualification history of the applicant. To access this tab, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, and click the Applicant Overview tab. Select an applicant record by clicking the applicant name link and click Applicant History.
The Notification History section is where you review correspondence issued to the applicant. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. For instructions, see Viewing notification history for an applicant. The following elements are displayed:
- Template Name. This column displays the name of the notification template used.
- Template Type. This column displays the type of notification template.
- Date Sent. This column displays the date and time the notification was sent to the applicant.
- Sender. This column displays the name of the user who issued the notification.
- Email Subject. This column displays the subject of the notification.
- View Content. Click one of options to view the notification sent to the new hire.
- HTML. Clicking this link will open an HTML preview of the notification letter, just as the new hire received it.
- PDF. Clicking this link will open a printable PDF of the notification letter. For instructions, see Printing Applicant Notifications.
The Assignments History section is where you review the number of assignments the applicant was assigned. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The following elements are displayed:
- Assignment Name. This column displays the name of the applicant review assignment. Access the assignment by clicking on the link.
- Owner. This column displays the owner responsible for the applicant review assignment.
- Due Date. This column displays the due date of the applicant review assignment.
- Applicant Return Status. This column displays the status of the applicant review assignment.
The Stored History section is where you review the number of stored lists the applicant was assigned. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The following elements are displayed:
- Stored List Name. This column displays the name of the stored list. Access the assignment by clicking on the link.
- Certificate Type. This column displays the certificate type selected for the stored list.
- Date Created. This column displays the date and time the stored list was created.
- Created By. This column displays the user that created the stored list.
The Referral History section is where you review how many times an applicant was certified. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. For instructions, see Viewing referral history for an applicant. The following elements are displayed:
- Certificate Number. This column displays the certificate number assigned to the certificate. Access a certificate by clicking on the link.
- Certificate Type. This column displays the certificate type selected for the certificate issued.
- Date Issued. This column displays the date and time the certificate was issued.
- Rank Order. This column displays where the applicant ranked on the certificate or saved list.
- Audit Code. This column displays the audit code for the applicant if the certificate has been audited.
- Return Status. This column displays the status of the applicant record after the certificate has been audited. If a new hire record exists, a View New Hire button will display.
- Request Number. This column displays a hyperlink to the request number associated with the certificate.
The Qualification History section displays all other applications for the applicant where the same rating combo(s) was used. The records will only display for those offices you are affiliated with. The following elements are displayed:
- Rating Combination. This column displays the series and grade that the applicant applied.
- Minimum Qualification. This column displays the NOR code and message associated assigned to the applicant.
- Vacancy Number. This column displays the vacancy number. Access a Vacancy Number by clicking on the link.
- Application Date. This column displays the date and time the applicant applied.