Auditing an applicant record

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To audit an applicant record:

  1. Select a vacancy.
  2. Click the + tab and select Certificates to access the list of certificates issued for the vacancy.
  3. Click the Certificate Number link.
  4. Place your mouse over the applicant Name link. The Audit this applicant icon will display.
    Audit this application hover
  5. Click the Audit this applicant icon.
  6. Select an Audit Code.
  7. Select a Return Status.
    Audit application pop-up box
  8. Select a Customer if applicable.
  9. Select a Request Number if applicable.
  10. Select a Location if applicable.
  11. Select a Workflow if applicable.
  12. Select a Position Description Number if applicable.
  13. Select a Series if applicable.
  14. Click Save and Close .


  1. Select a vacancy.
  2. Click the + tab and select Certificates to access the list of certificates issued for the vacancy.
  3. Click the Certificate Number link.
  4. Place a check in the gray box next to the applicant to be audited.
    Audit application pop-up box
  5. Select Audit.
  6. Select an Audit Code.
  7. Select a Return Status.
    Audit application pop-up box
  8. Select a Customer, if applicable.
  9. Select a Request Number, if applicable.
  10. Select a Location, if applicable.
  11. Click Save and Close .


  • When auditing a Selected Applicant, in order for a new hire record to be created, all of the audit fields are required. When the Return Status is Vetting, all the fields are required except the Request Number.
  • Selections cannot be made from expired certificates.