Creating a Service Account (Bot)
To create a service account (Bot):
- Click Admin on the Dashboard.
- Click the Manage Users link to open the User Admin tab.
- Click Create User.
- Enter the email address for the bot.
- Complete all applicable fields on the User Information page.
- Toggle on Service Account (Bot).
- Toggle on Unattended Bot, if applicable.
- Enter the Agency Bot ID.
- Enter the Responsible Organization.
- Enter the Sponsor Name.
- Enter the Custodian Name.
- Enter a Description.
- Click Add/Modify Permission.
- Expand the User Type you are assigning.
- Enter a Customer/Office Filter, if applicable.
- Select the appropriate permission profile from the Permission Profile drop-down list for the customer or office to be assigned.
- If appropriate, repeat the previous step to add additional customers or offices.
- Click Save. The User Preferences tab will display.
- Click User Preferences.
- Select the desired Frequency for the Activity Summary email.
- Select the Content, if applicable.
- Click Save.
Service Account (Bot)
A Service Account (Bot) allows agencies using software applications to run automated tasks within USA Staffing to identify these robot (bot) accounts. Bots use standard system accounts; however, since they are not system users, USA Staffing has implemented a registration service for approving the use of Bots. Agencies must contact their Account Manager to register and implement the use of Bots by completing the Robotic Process Automation Request Form.
Service Account Toggle: Identifies a service account which a Robotic Process Automation (e.g. RPA, automation, bot, digital worker) solution uses to interact with USA Staffing.
Unattended Bot: Identifies if the RPA solution operates as attended (by a human), or unattended (independently of human oversight).
Agency ID: A standard naming convention is recommended for RPA solutions that distinguishes then from human accounts. Agencies should follow the unique user ID naming convention that is currently used within their organizations.
Responsible Organization: The name of the agency and organization according to the official agency organizational chart which will have oversight of the RPA solution.
Sponsor Name: The sponsor is the primary individual responsible for the RPA. This includes making sure the RPA solution stays compliant with security requirements. The sponsor is a federal government employee. Examples of sponsor responsibilities include: assigning roles and responsibilities for the RPA solution (e.g. custodian assignment), fielding inquiries about the RPA solution from leaders of the agency or other government entities, and overseeing who has access to the RPA solution.
Custodian Name: The custodian is responsible for day-to-day operational management of the RPA solution. Examples of custodian responsibilities may include requesting updated authenticators at required intervals, maintaining the RPA solutions access, overseeing the retraining or tuning of an underlying model, tracking data inputs to the RPA solution, and monitoring the RPA solutions data outputs. The USA Staffing development teams may reach out directly to the RPA custodian if/when it is expected that an agency RPA solution will be impacted by an upcoming system functionality change related to the RPA solution’s functions.
Description: A short description of the RPA solution. This should include the purpose, the actions of the RPA solution, expected risk level, and the anticipated frequency and volume the RPA will perform the action(s).