Filtering vacancies

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To filter vacancies:

  1. Select the Vacancies tab on the Dashboard.
  2. Select Filters.
    Vacancies tab
  3. Enter desired Keywords, if applicable.
  4. Choose a status from the Status drop-down list to filter vacancies in a specific status.
  5. Enter a Position Description Number, If applicable.
  6. Choose an office from the Office drop-down list to filter by office.
  7. Choose a customer from the Customer drop-down to filter by customer.
  8. Choose a series from the Series drop-down to filter by series.
  9. Choose a pay plan from the Pay Plan drop-down to filter by pay plan.
  10. Choose a grade from the Grade drop-down to filter by grade.
  11. Choose an announcement type from the Announcement Type drop-down to filter by announcement type.
  12. Choose an announcement status from the Announcement Status drop-down to filter by announcement status.
  13. Choose an internal contact from the Internal Contact drop-down list to filter vacancies for a specific user.
  14. Choose the Date Milestones from the drop-down list, if applicable.
  15. Enter an Open Date and Close Date, if applicable.
  16. Enter a Certificate Number, if applicable.
  17. Check Favorites Only, if desired.
  18. Select Apply to apply the selected filters.
  19. Select Reset Filters to remove the currently applied filters.
  20. Select Cancel Changes to cancel the filters update.
    Vacancy filters

For additional information, see: