Item Weights

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The Item Weights page is where you review and customize the rating criteria selected for the assessment. This page displays each of the questions linked to a competency and the proportional weight of each question. To access this page, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, click the Assessment Package tab, click Assessment Plan, click Assessment Name link, an assessment specific tab will display, click Rating Criteria, and click the appropriate Competency Title link. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The following elements may be displayed based on the assessment type selected:

Questionnaire Item Weights

  • Competency Title. This drop-down list allows you to select a competency associated with the assessment questionnaire. Alternatively, you can use the arrows on either side of the Competency Title to navigate to the previous or next competency. For instructions, see Reviewing competency rating criteria.
  • + and -. These icons allow you to expand or collapse the competency details.
  • Number. This is the number assigned to the questionnaire item.
  • Item Stem. This is the item text.
  • Response Type. This columns displays the response type used for this rating item.
  • Rated. A check in this box indicates this competency will be used for rating.
  • Proportional Weight. This column displays the weight of a given competency relative to the other competencies in the assessment. For instructions, see Modifying proportional weight.
  • Response Option. This the letter assigned to a response.
  • Response Text. This is the text for question response.
  • Base Value. This is the point value assigned to the response.
  • Number. This is the number assigned to the questionnaire item.
  • Apply to all Rating Combinations. This buttons allows you to automatically apply changes to every rating combo covered by the questionnaire.