New Hires Request
The New Hires page is where you enter or review information used to create a record to onboard a new hire selected outside of USA Staffing. Once the Onboard New Hire request is approved, the record is created and added to the Request Information page and the New Hires to be Created page is no longer available. The New Hires Created section is now displayed on the Request Information page. To access this page, click the Requests tab, select Create Request or click a Request Number link. Select Onboard New Hire in the Request Type drop-down list. The following elements are displayed on this page:
The New Hires to be Created section allows you to enter/review information which is used to create the new hire record. The number to the right indicates how many new hires are associated with the request. The following elements are displayed:
- Documents. This page allows you to add and view submitted documents. Documents added to a Request prior to approval will be added to the newly created new hire record.
- Notes. This field allows you to enter or review notes for the new hire. For instructions, see Viewing notes.
- History. This button displays a record of actions completed on a new hire; including the name of the user, action or change made, and the date and time it occurred. For instructions, see Viewing history.
- Email Address. This is the email address the new hire provides and will use to access the system.
- First Name. This is the first name of the new hire.
- Middle Name. This is the middle name of the new hire.
- Last Name. This is the last name of the new hire.
- Suffix. This is the suffix of the new hire (e.g. Jr. II, III etc.), if applicable.
- Position Description Number. This information flows from the Request Information.
- Series. This information flows from the Request Information.
- Grade. This information flows from the Request Information.
- Location. This information flows from the Request Information.
- Office. This drop-down list allows you to indicate the office associated with the new hire record.
- Workflow. This drop-down list allows you to indicate the workflow associated with the new hire record.