Removing the USA Hire hold

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The ability to hold applicants in the Assessment Package prevents the sending of USA Hire assessment links immediately. This feature allows HR users to review minimum qualifications so that only qualified applicants are sent to the USA Hire platform. When a hold is removed, the HR user must select new USA Hire open/close dates so applicants have appropriate time to complete the assessments (the norm is 2 days).

To remove a hold on USA Hire applicants:

  1. Select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section.
  3. Click the Assessment Package tab.
    remove hold USAH Apps
  4. On the Assessment Package Settings page, click Edit Window.
    Edit USA Hire Testing Window
  5. Select the Assessment Start Date.
  6. Select the Assessment End Date.
  7. Click Save Custom Window.
  8. Click Release Hold.
  9. The following confirmation message displays: "Upon releasing the hold, applicants will receive notifications for USA Hire assessments. Please confirm that the assessment window is appropriate. Are you sure you want to remove the hold?"
  10. Click Release Hold.
  11. The following message displays: "Eligible applications are being sent to USA Hire. You will receive an alert when all orders have been sent."
  12. Click Ok.


  • You will only be allowed to release the hold after you have set a custom assessment window for the subsequent assessment orders.
  • You will only be allowed to release the hold if the assessment window start date is less than or equal to today's date, and if the assessment window end date is greater or equal to today's date + 2 calendar days. This will ensure all applicants have at least 2 days to complete the USA Hire assessments.