Review Information
The Review Information page is where you enter the instructions for the Hiring Manager or user related to the review. To access this page, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, click the + tab, select Reviews from the drop-down list and click the Create Review button. If only one request is associated with your vacancy, the Requests and Reviewers sections default to that information. For the basic display of the review header information, see Create Review.
The Review Information section is where you enter the instructions for the Hiring Manager related to the review. The following elements are displayed:
- Review Name. This is where you enter the review name. Review Name must be 100 characters or less
- Owner. This field defaults to the person creating the review but can be reassigned if appropriate using the drop-down list to select a different user.
- Due Date. This drop-down calendar is where you select the date the review is due to be returned.
- Auto Recall Date. This drop-down calendar will automatically display to an agency set default indicating the date the review will automatically be recalled from the Hiring Manager. A review is automatically recalled when the request associated with the review is cancelled.
- Review Instructions. This textbox is where you enter instructions you would like the Hiring Manager(s) to follow upon receipt of the review. The instructions may not exceed 5000 characters. Alternatively, you may select an instructional template using the gear icon.
The Attachments section will display only when Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) is selected from Review Type in the Review Information section. This is where you may select or edit what will be included in the review. The following elements are displayed:
- Assessment. A check in this box indicates the assessment package will be forwarded to the Hiring Manager for feedback on the assessment questionnaire(s). This section will not appear if a vacancy with No Assessment Required is enabled.
- Announcement Text. A check in this box indicates the announcement text will be forwarded to the Hiring Manager for review.
- Announcement Questionnaire. A check in this box indicates the announcement questionnaire will be forwarded to the Hiring Manager for review.
The Applicant List section will display only when Applicant List is selected from Review Type in the Review Information section. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The number to the right indicates how many certificates will be included in the review. The following elements are displayed:
- Add Applicant List. Clicking this button allows you to select an additional applicant list(s) to be included in the review for Hiring Manager selection.
- Applicant List. This is the applicant list name. Click this link to access the applicant list.
- Applicant List Type. This column displays the type of applicant list issued.
- Issued. This column displays the date the applicant list was issued.
- Issued By. This column displays the name of the user who issued the applicant list.
The Stored List section will display only when Panel Review is selected from Review Type in the Review Information section or when creating the review from the Stored Lists page. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order.
- Add Stored List. Clicking this button allows you to select an additional stored list(s) to be included in the review for Hiring Manager selection.
- Stored List. This is the stored list name. Click this link to access the stored list.
- Stored List Type. This column displays the type of stored list created.
- Filters. This column displays the filters applied to the stored list.
- Issued. This column displays the date the stored list was issued.
The Requests section is where you determine which request(s) will be used in the review. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The number to the right indicates how many requests will be included in the review. The following elements are displayed:
- Add Request. Clicking this button allows you to select a request(s) to be included in the review.
- Request Number. This column displays the request number. You may click on this link to access the request.
- Status. This column displays the status of the request.
- Approved. This column displays the date the request was approved.
- Requester. This column displays the name of the requester.
- Customer. This column displays the name of the customer.
- Type. This column displays the type of the request.
- Selectee. This column displays the name of the selected applicant, if applicable.
- Trash can icon. Clicking this icon allows you to delete the request from the review.
The Followers section is where you determine who will follow the review. Users with a User Type of HR User can be added to a review as a Follower. Designating a user as a Follower will carbon copy (cc) the user on review e-mail notifications. Followers do not have permission to view or edit the review. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The circle to the right indicates how many followers are associated with the review. The following elements are displayed:
- Add Follower. Clicking this button allows you to add followers to the review.
- Follower Name. This column displays the name of the reviewer.
- User Type(s). This column displays the follower's user type(s).
- Phone. This column displays the follower’s phone number.
- Email. This column displays the follower’s email address.
- Trash can icon. Clicking this icon allows you to delete a follower from this review.
- Save. This button allows you to save the review.
- Delete. This button allows you to delete the review. Note: Only a review that has not been sent can be deleted.