Setting up screen-out criteria for multi-grade assessments

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Setting up screen-out criteria for multi-grade assessments.

To set up the first minimum qualification screen-out criteria for a multi-grade assessment:

  1. View assessment screen-out.
  2. Click Add Screen-Out Criteria.
  3. Starting with the lowest grade level, enter the Name of your screen-out (for example Min Quals GS-09).
  4. In the Apply Screen-Out to Rating Combinations area, un-check the higher grade level(s), leaving the lowest grade selected.
  5. Select the appropriate Ineligibility Code from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the Item from the drop-down list for the minimum qualification question at the lowest grade level (e.g., GS-9).
  7. Place a check in the appropriate disqualifying Response Options.
  8. Click Add Item to add an additional question to the same screen-out combination. The system will automatically place an “Or” between the questions.
  9. From the new drop down, select the Item for the minimum qualification question at the next higher grade level (e.g., GS-11)
  10. Place a check in the appropriate disqualifying Response Options.
  11. Repeat steps 7 – 9 above to add any remaining minimum qualification questions for higher grade levels (e.g., GS-12 question) to the screen out criteria for the lowest grade level rating combination.
  12. Click Save & Close.

Note: Following this process will ensure that applicants can be considered qualified at the lowest grade level if they have the experience/education required for the lowest grade level (e.g., GS-09), or if they have the experience/education required for any of the higher grade level(s) (e.g., GS-11/12).

To set up the next minimum qualification screen-out criteria for a multi-grade assessment:

  1. Click Add Screen-Out.
  2. Enter the Name of your screen-out (for example Min Quals GS-11).
  3. In the Apply Screen-Out to Rating Combinations area, un-check the lowest grade level and any grade level(s) higher than the one selected.
  4. Select the appropriate Ineligibility Code from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the Item from the drop-down list for the minimum qualification question at the appropriate grade level (e.g., GS-11).
  6. Place a check in the appropriate disqualifying Response Options.
  7. Click Add Item to add an additional question for any higher grade levels, if applicable (e.g., GS-12).
  8. From the new drop down, select the Item for the minimum qualification question at the highest grade level (e.g., GS-12).
  9. Place a check in the appropriate disqualifying Response Options.
  10. Repeat steps 7 – 9 to add any remaining minimum qualification questions for higher grade levels (not applicable in our example), and click Save & Close.

Note: If the screen-out applies to all rating combinations, check each of the rating combinations.