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Tags are a mechanism for identifying entities within the library to aid users in locating information and a way to protect and share access to material in the Library. You may tag entities like competencies and templates with one or more labels designed to make searching and reporting easier. Anything stored in the Administration section of the system that is intended to be re-used by HR Specialist may be tagged. They can be shared across entities, so they should be developed in a way that makes sense for multiple types of data. Some commonly-used Tags are available in the system and are grouped by Tag type. For additional information, see Available Tags. Items available to be tagged are:

  • Announcement Templates
  • Assessment Package Templates
  • Competencies
  • Eligibilities
  • Items
  • Notification Templates
  • Permission Profiles
  • Position Descriptions
  • Task Templates
  • Vacancy Default Settings
  • Workflow

Using Tags to Label & Search

You may use Tags to label and search. For example, as an HR user you are looking in the PD library in the Administration section for a specific position description. You have filtered the list on the “Mission Critical” tag and received 8 position descriptions in your results. Adding the “Competitive Service" tag to the filter adds two additional position descriptions. Tag filtering uses “inclusive/or” logic, so that any position description with the mission critical OR competitive service tag is displayed.

Dashboard Browsing History List

Using Tags to Protect & Share

You may use Tags to protect and share access to library materials across Orgs and Offices. For example, you are and HR Specialist with the Classification Organization. You have Office Admin permissions in your Denver office, Standard HR User permission in the Seattle office and View Only permission in the Macon office. You are creating a position description. At least one office or Org tag must be applied. You are an Office Admin in Denver, so the Denver tag is defaulted. When viewing your position description list without any tags applied in the PD Library, you will automatically see all position descriptions tagged with either the Classification Organization OR Denver office OR Seattle office OR Macon office. When you create a request, these position descriptions will be available for linking.

Another user in the Classification Organization has NO access to the Denver office, Standard HR User permission in the Seattle office and View Only permission in the Macon office. Because this user has no access to the Denver office, they will get no results when using that tag to search for position descriptions.

Using Tags with Permission Profiles

You may use Tags with permission profiles. You are an HR Specialist in the Classification Organization. You have View Only permission in the Denver office, Standard HR User permission in the Seattle office and Office Admin permission in the Macon office. In this example, you are using Assessment Package Templates. Assigning the Denver office as the owner for a template means that only users who have “create/edit AP template” permission IN THE DENVER OFFICE can actually edit the template. Macon is also tagged, so users with access to the Macon office can see and use it, but cannot make changes unless they are Office Admins in Macon. If a user in the Macon office wanted to use the template as a base and customize it, they would need to make a copy. Edits to the original would show up everywhere that template is used, so changes still require a copy. You have View Only permission in Denver, so when you view this particular template it will be grayed out and un-editable. You can see it because it was tagged with Macon where you are an Office Admin, but you will not be able to make any changes to the original.