User Preferences

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The User Preferences page is where you opt in or out and manage the frequency and content of the Activity Summary email for a user. To access this page, click Admin on the Dashboard, the Admin Home tab displays, click the Manage Users link in the Users & Permissions section, click the Email Address link to open the user record and click User Preferences.

user preferences

The User Preferences section allows you to manage the Activity Summary email. The following elements are displayed:

  • Frequency. This section allows you to indicate how often you want to receive the activity summary email. The options are:
    • Every Day.
    • Every Business Day.
    • Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
    • Monday.
    • Never.
  • Content. This section allows you to specify what information you want included in the activity summary email. Currently there is only one option; however, there will be additional content added at a later time. The option is:
    • Task - Active Upcoming and Overdue Tasks, and Tasks updated by a TaskUpdate API interconnection requiring action. When subscribed to the Task Content, users will receive the email if they have active staffing and/or onboarding tasks assigned to them with a due date input or if the user is the process owner of a new hire who has a task assigned which has been updated by a TaskUpdate API interconnection.
      • The first section of the email for Task Content will display a list of up to five upcoming active tasks assigned to the user with those tasks due soonest displayed first. The user will only receive this section of the email if they have an active task assigned to them with a due date within the next 5 calendar days from the day the email is sent.
      • The second section of the email for Task Content will display a list of up to five overdue active tasks assigned to the user with those tasks displayed in ascending order (oldest overdue tasks displayed first). The user will only receive this section of the email if they have an active task assigned to them with a due date at least a day before the email is sent.
      • The third section of the email for Task Content will display a list of up to five active tasks which have been updated by a system interconnection and the user is set as the onboarding process owner.
    • New Hire - Process Owner Assignment, Form Submission, and eOPF Transmission Errors. , users will receive the email if they are assigned as Process Owner of new hire records and/or if a user has added a file to the eOPF Queue.
      • The New Hire Process Owner section of the email will display a list of up to five active New Hires for which the user is assigned as the Process Owner. New Hires most recently assigned to the user will display first in the list.
      • The New Hire Forms section of the email has two subsections. The first subsection will display a list of up to five active New Hires who have submitted forms that are Awaiting HR Action for which the user is assigned as the Process Owner. New Hires that most recently submitted forms Awaiting HR Action will display first in the list. The second subsection will display a list of up to five New Hires (any status) with files (forms and/or documents) that have an eOPF transmission error, given the user is the one who added the files to the eOPF queue. New Hires with the oldest outstanding errors will display first in the list.

For instructions, see: