Reasonable Accommodations for USA Hire
Applicants requesting a reasonable accommodation for the USA Hire Assessments should follow the guidance provided below and in the Job Announcement.
We have updated and moved our Online Help content.
Please see our new page: Reasonable Accommodation Overview
Determining if Reasonable Accommodation is Required
We have updated and moved our Online Help content.
Please see our new page: Reasonable Accommodation Information
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation
We have updated and moved our Online Help content.
Please see our new page: Reasonable Accommodation Information
Removing My Accommodation Request
We have updated and moved our Online Help content.
Please see our new page: Removing my accommodation request
Issues Not Covered Above
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) USA Hire Help Desk is available for individuals seeking technical USA Hire assistance with accessing or completing USA Hire Assessments. Technical assistance is available Monday through Friday 7 AM to 7 PM EST. The Help Desk is closed on weekends and Federal holidays.
A USA Hire Help Desk Ticket can be submitted here: