Task Details

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The Task Details page is where you view specific details regarding the task. The task name, instructions, status, action to be taken and date completed are displayed on this page.

  • Due Date. This is the date the form is due back to the onboarding agency.
  • Task Name. This is either the questionnaire or form that needs to be completed. The red or green status box to the left of this item indicates if the task is incomplete or complete.
  • Task Instructions. (for questionnaire it is task instructions/form just instructions).
  • Questionnaire Name of Form Name. This is the name of the questionnaire(s) or form(s) assigned to you by the onboarding agency.
  • Status. This indicates the form status. The form statuses are:
    • Active.
    • Pending.
  • Action. This indicates the action you should take depending on the form's status. The actions are:
    • Continue.
    • Start.

Note: If the Action column is blank, this indicates that you have submitted the form and no further action is required.

  • Completion Date. This is where you enter the date after you have completed the task.
  • Close. This button allows you to return to the Tasks page.