Assessment Package Template - Create Template
The New Assessment Package Template page is where assessment package templates are created, independent of a vacancy. To access this tab, click Admin on the Dashboard, the Admin Home tab displays, click the Manage Assessment Package Templates link in the Templates section to open the Templates tab, the Assessment Templates page displays, and click Create Template.
The Template Information section is where you enter the name, office, Tags, and description of your assessment package template. The following elements are displayed:
- Template Name. This is the name assigned to the assessment package template. This field has a 40-character limit.
- Generate Name. This link allows you to designate a USA Staffing-generated number if your agency does not have a specific numbering convention for assessment package templates.
- Owning Office. This drop-down list allows you to select the office associated with assessment package template.
- Tags. This drop-down list allows you to add Tags to your assessment package template, such as Occupational Family, Appointing Authority or Office.For additional information, see Tags.
- Template Description. This is a brief description of the assessment package template.
- External. A check in this box indicates the assessment package template is a USA Hire assessment.
The Position Descriptions section is where you create or add a published position description to be associated with your assessment package template. The number to the right indicates how many position descriptions are associated with the assessment package template.
- Interdisciplinary. A check in this box indicates the position is interdisciplinary. No specialties are allowed for interdisciplinary positions. An interdisciplinary position requires two or more series.
- Position Description #. This field allows you to enter a position description number.
- Position Title. This field allows you to enter the title of the position description.
- Pay Plan. This drop-down list allows you select the appropriate pay plan.
- Series. This drop-down list allows you select the appropriate series.
- Grade(s). This drop-down list allows you select the appropriate grade.
- Specialties. This + allows you add any specialties associated with the position description.
- Add Position Description. This button allows you to add an existing position description.
- Gray Box. A check-mark in this box allows you to delete one or more position descriptions associated with the assessment package template.
For instructions, see: