Manage Existing General Contacts
Manage General Contacts is where you create and manage contacts, so that information not tied to user accounts can be pulled as an External Contacts to be displayed on the Announcement Information page (such as a central help desk). The extent to which you can view, add, modify, and delete user records depends on your permission profile. To access this section, click Admin on the Dashboard, the Admin Home tab displays, click the Manage General Contacts link in the Users & Permissions section and the General Contact Admin tab will display.
The Manage Existing General Contacts page allows you to enter and review information specific to the contact record. The number in parentheses indicates the number of contacts available for a specific office. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The following elements are displayed:
- Create General Contact. This button allows you to create a new contact. For instructions, see Creating a general contact.
- All Offices. This is a list of offices the user has access to, based on the user type.
- Show Retired General Contacts. When this box is checked, the list includes deleted contacts. For instructions, see Retiring a general contact.
- General Contact, Email, Phone Number, Fax Number search field. This field allows you to search for a particular user by contact, email, phone or fax number. The system will automatically perform a partial search as you type and display the results under the field.
- Last Name. This column displays the last name entered when creating the general contact.
- First Name. This column displays the first name entered when creating the general contact.
- Email Address. This column displays the email address entered to create the general contact record. The email address is the userid. Access a general contact by clicking on the link.
- Phone Number. This column displays the work phone number entered when creating the general contact.
- Fax Number. This column displays the work fax entered when creating the general contact. This field is optional.
- Is Retired. This column will display a check when the record has been retired. The record will be deleted, not retired if no vacancies or requests are associated with the contact record.
For additional information, see: