Screen-Out Criteria
The Screen-Out Criteria page is where you designate specific responses to questions as screen-outs within the assessment questionnaire and add additional screen-outs. To access this page, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, click the Assessment Package tab, click Assessment Plan, click the Assessment Name link, an assessment specific tab will display, and click Screen-Out Criteria. The number in parentheses indicates how many screen-outs have been added. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. The following elements are displayed:
- Add Screen-Out Criteria. This button allows you to access the assessment questionnaire items to identify items and responses to be used as screen-out criteria that were previously designated in the assessment questionnaire. For instructions, see Adding a screen-out.
- Gray box. A check-mark in this box indicates the screen-out will be deleted.
- Name. This column displays the name of the screen-out. Access a screen-out by clicking on the link.
- Rating Combos. This column displays the series and grade(s) associated with the screen-out item.
- Ineligibility Code. This column displays the ineligibility code assigned to the screen-out item.
- Items. This column displays the number of questionnaire items associated with your screen-out criteria.
- Delete Selected. This button will display when a check is placed in the gray box to the left of a screen-out item. For instructions, see Deleting a screen-out.
For instructions on adding screen-outs to a multi-graded assessment, see Setting up screen-out criteria for multi-grade assessments.