Task Overview

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Once a request is approved, a list of tasks is generated based on the task template for the specified request type. To access this pop-up window, click Task Overview on the top right of the Request page. The following elements are displayed on this screen:

Task Overview Pop-Up Window

  • X. This icon allows you to close the Task Overview pop-up window and return to the Request page.
  • Vacancy Number. This field displays the vacancy number associated with the request. A drop-down list will display if there is more than one vacancy number associated with the request.
  • Search. This field allows you to search for a task. The available options include:
    • Status.
    • Task Name.
    • Days to Complete.
    • Enter Due Date.
    • Enter Completion Date.
    • Request Number.
  • Task. This column displays the task name. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order.
  • Status. This column displays the status for each task listed. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. Possible statuses include:
    • Active – A task in this status is created when the request is approved but it is not yet ready to be worked on. These tasks remain active until the trigger to move into Pending status is complete. For additional information, see Tasks.
    • Complete – A task in this status has been finalized and closed out.
    • Pending – A task in this status is ready to be worked on next.
  • Days to Complete. This column displays the total number of days you have to complete each task. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order.
  • Due. This column displays the date the task is due based on the number of days to complete indicated.
  • Completed. This column displays the date the task was finalized and closed out.
  • Owner. This column displays the name of the person responsible for completing the task. You can sort any of the columns in this table in ascending or descending order. You can re-assign a task to another user by clicking on the row to activate it and selecting another name from the drop-down list.
  • Save. This button allows you to save any changes made to task overview.
  • Save & Close. This button allows you to save changes and return to the request page.
  • Cancel. This button all allows you to cancel any pending changes and return to the request page.