Create Position Description Review

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The Create a Position Description Review page is where you complete the process of creating a position description review and distribute the review. To access this page, click Classification on the top menu to open the Position Descriptions tab, click the Position Description Number link, click the gear icon and select Create Review from the drop-down list. The following elements are displayed:

Create PD Review

  • Review Name. This is the review name once the review is saved. For instructions, see Creating a review.
  • Review Type. The review type will be Position Description.
  • Status. This field defaults to Not Sent.
  • Sent. This is the date the review was sent to the reviewer. For instructions, see Sending a review.
  • Due. This is the date the review is due to be returned.
  • Completed. This will display once the review has been completed and returned by the reviewer.

For additional information, see: