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The Applicant page is where you view and manage individual applicant records for a vacancy. To access an applicant record, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, and click the Applicant Overview tab. Select an applicant record by clicking the applicant Name link. The following elements are displayed:

Applicant Record Header

  • Application Number. This is the unique applicant identifier assigned to each application received.
  • Applicant Name. This is the name provided by the applicant.
  • Applicant Email Address. This is the email address provided by the applicant.
  • Applicant Phone Number. This is the phone number provided by the applicant. The applicant may also have included an extension or fax number if collected in the questionnaire.
  • Applicant Address. This is the address provided by the applicant.
  • Eligibility End Date. This date will display if the vacancy is set to expire applicants. See: Vacancy - Settings.
  • USA Hire Status. This is the current status for the USA Hire Assessment for the applicant. The options include:
    • Complete. Applicant has completed all USA Hire batteries for the rating combinations where they were eligible to complete them.
    • Did Not Complete. Applicant has not completed any USA Hire for the rating combinations where they were eligible to complete them, and the USA Hire assessment window is closed.
    • Not Applicable. Applicant is not eligible to complete the USA Hire batteries for any of the vacancy rating combinations based on their responses to the announcement/assessment questionnaire.
    • Partially Complete. Applicant has completed some of the USA Hire batteries (completed for at least one rating combination but did not complete for at least one other rating combination), and the USA Hire Assessment window is closed.
    • Pending Completion. Applicant has not yet completed their USA Hire assessments for all the rating combinations where they are eligible to complete them, and the USA Hire assessment window is still open.
    • Undetermined (Re-Rate Required). The applicant’s USA Hire status has not been determined because it was last re-rated prior to the feature going into effect. A re-rate will apply the appropriate USA Hire status.
  • Reviewed Reviewed. This icon allows you to flag an applicant as reviewed.
  • Followup Follow-up. This icon allows you to flag an applicant for follow-up.
  • Pin Pinned. This icon allows you to pin an applicant record.
  • Send Notification. The envelope icon allows you to send notifications to an applicant.
  • Applicant Options. The Gear icon allows you to generate a printable PDF version of an applicant’s submitted application package, the completed assessment or re-rate the applicant. For instructions, see Generating a pdf version of a submitted application.
  • Documents. This button displays the supporting documents submitted by the applicant. The number to the right indicates how many unique documents were submitted with the application. A document that has been submitted multiple times under various document types will only be counted once. This button is available from any page in the Applicant section. See Documents
  • Notes. This button allows you to add or remove notes specific to the applicant record. The number to the right indicates how many notes have been entered. Along with the note, the system saves the full name of the user who added the note, date, and time the note was added. This button is available from any page in the Applicant section. For instructions, see Adding an internal note.
  • History. This button displays a record of actions completed on an applicant; including the name of the user, action or change made, and the date and time it occurred. This button is available from any page in the Applicant section.

For additional Information, see: