Assessment Package Settings
The Settings page allows you to define quality categories for grouping applicants. Categories may automatically display according to the assessment package template used. To access this page, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, click the Assessment Package tab, and click Settings. For the basic display of the assessment package header information, see Assessment Package. The following elements are displayed:
Note: This page is also a part of Manage Assessment Package Templates in the Templates section within Admin to be used when creating an Assessment Package template.
The Hurdle Settings section displays when two or more hurdles have been included in the Assessment Package:
- Apply veterans' preference to hurdles. Allows you to apply veterans preference to hurdles. This setting is defaulted as enabled.
- Add veterans' preference points to determine if the hurdle cutpoint is met. This toggle is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled if you’re applying veterans’ preference to hurdles.
- "Float" eligible CP/CPS veterans to the next hurdle regardless of their score. This toggle allows you float eligible CP/CPS veterans to the next hurdle regardless of their score. This setting can be set by rating combination(s).
- Do not apply veterans' preference to hurdles. Allows you to disable veterans preference from being applied.
The USA Hire Settings section displays once an USA Hire battery has been included in the Assessment Package:
- Categories. This drop-down list allows you to select the type of category. The options are:
- None. This option allows you to not use categories for your vacancy.
- Final Score Cutpoint. This option allows you to enter the cut-off score associated with each category name.
- Add Category. This button allows you to add additional categories. For instructions, see Adding a category to an assessment package.
- Category Name. This field allows you to enter the name of the category.
- Final Rating Cutpoint. This field displays the cut-off score associated with each category name.
- Remove Category. Clicking the X deletes the category. For instructions, see Deleting a category from an assessment package.
The Category Settings section displays the options available for assigning categories based on specific situations.
- Do not "float" eligible CP/CPS veterans when assigning categories. A check in this box will assign applicants to categories based on the GS-9+ Professional/Scientific rules.
- Assign Categories based on Augmented Rating (Only use with Demo Projects that do not use Category Rating) . A check in this box will assign applicants to categories based on their augmented rating. If you are unsure if your organization can use this feature, please contact your Agency USA Staffing Administrators.
The USA Hire Settings section displays once an USA Hire battery has been included in the Assessment Package:
- Edit Window. This button all you to user to modify the assessment window for the vacancy. For instructions, see Set USA Hire Assessment Window.
- Default Assessment Window. Indicates that the assessment start/end dates are based on the announcement open date and announcement close date + 2 days respectively.
- Custom Assessment Window. Indicates that an HR user has saved either a dynamic window or custom assessment start/end dates for the vacancy.
- Hold Applicants. Allows you to hold applicants from being sent a USA Hire link immediately. For instructions, see Holding USA Hire applicants.
- Release Hold. Allows you to remove the hold for applicants to receive their USA Hire link. For instructions, see Removing the USA Hire hold.
- Send USA Hire reminder notifications once announcement closes. This toggle allows you to send applicants who have not completed their USA Hire assessment a reminder email after the announcement closes.
- Send Custom USA Hire Notifications. This toggle allows you to send agency or assessment-specific USA Hire notification templates. For instructions, see Sending USA Hire custom notifications.
- USA Hire Assessments are Required Notification.
- USA Hire Assessments are Complete Notification.
- USA Hire Accommodation Request Under Review Notification.
- USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Approved Notification.
- USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Denied Notification.