Create Task Template
The Create Task Template page is where tasks associated with the onboarding process are created. To access this tab, click Admin on the Dashboard, the Admin Home tab displays, click the Manage Tasks link in the Workflow section to open the Manage Tasks page, and click Create Template. For additional information, see Edit Task Template. The following elements are displayed:
- Task Name. This is the name assigned to the task template.
- Task Instructions. This textbox allows you to enter instructions related to the task to be completed.
- Purpose. This drop-down list allows you to select if the purpose is for Staffing or Onboarding. This will determine the available task types to assign later.
- Owned By. This drop-down list allows you to select who is to complete the task, the New Hire, Human Resources or Hiring Manager.
- State. This drop-down list allows you to select the status of the task. The options include:
- Draft. This status indicates the template is unavailable for use. This is the default.
- Published. This status indicates the template is available for use.
- Task Type. This drop-down list allows you select the type of task. The options include:
- Document Review
- Document Upload
- Form Review
- General
- Allow this task to be assigned to candidates with a return status of Vetting. This option is available for tasks when the task purpose is Onboarding.
- Add a Task Results Set to this Task Template?. This option is available to tasks when the task purpose is onboarding and the task type is general. Selecting Yes will allow the user to add a set of pre-defined results to this task template.
- Office. This drop-down list allows you to select the office associated with the task.
- Tags. This drop-down list allows you to select Tags to be associated with the template, such as Occupational Family, Appointing Authority or Office. For additional information, see Tags.
An Attached Documents table will display in the lower section of the page depending on the Task Type selected when creating the task template. If the Task Type selected is Document Review, the following elements will display:
- Add Documents. This button allows you to add documents for new hire review and acknowledgement to the task template.
- Attached Documents. The first column uses the table header as it's name, and displays a list of documents which have been added to the task template
- Delete. This columns allows you to remove an attached document by clicking on the X in the appropriate row.
A Documents to Upload table will display in the lower section of the page depending on the Task Type selected when creating the task template. If the Task Type selected is Document Upload, the following elements will display:
- Add Documents. This button allows you to select additional documents to be added to the task template.
- Form Number. This column displays the number or name of document associated with the task template.
- Form Name. This column will display the name of the form associated with the task template.
- Delete. This columns allows you to remove an attached document by clicking on the X in the appropriate row.
A Forms For Review table will display in the lower section of the page depending on the Task Type selected when creating the task template. If the Task Type selected is Form Review, the following elements will display:
- Add Forms. This button allows you to select additional forms to be added to the task template.
- Form Number. This column displays the number or name of form associated with the task template.
- Form Name. This column will display the name of the form associated with the task template.
- Delete. This columns allows you to delete a form by clicking on the X in the appropriate row.
A Task Results Set table will display in the lower section of the page depending on the Task Type selected when creating the task template. If the Task Type selected is General and the Add a Task Result Set to this Task Template is marked Yes.
- Add Task Result Set. This button allows you to select system level result sets.
- Task Results Set Name. This column displays the name of the result set.
- Task Results Set Description. This column displays the possible results.
- Delete. This columns allows you to delete a task results set by clicking on the X in the appropriate row.
For instructions, see: