Applicant Overview
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The Applicant Overview tab is where you view and sort applicant records associated with a vacancy and create lists. To access this tab, select a Request Number in Pending Recruitment status from the Dashboard, click the Vacancy Number link in the Vacancy Created section, and click the Applicant Overview tab. This tab is only available when one or more applicants have applied to the vacancy. The following elements are displayed:
- Overview. This page is where you view, sort, and manage applicant records associated with a vacancy.
- Saved Lists. This page is where you view and sort all saved lists for a vacancy. For additional information, see Saved Lists.
- Stored Lists. This page is where you view and sort all stored lists for a vacancy. For additional information, see Stored Lists.
- Manage Assignments. This page is where you create, view and sort all workload assignments for a vacancy. For additional information, see Manage Assignments.
- Merged Applicants. This page is where you view and merge potential applicant matches. This page only displays when potential applicant matches are identified. For additional information, see Resolve Applicant.
- Manage Late Filers. This page is where you view and sort applicants who have been Invited to apply to a closed vacancy. This page only displays when an invitation(s) has been sent.
- Applicant Options. This gear icon allows you to:
- Print Application. Use this to provide an applicant a paper copy of the an application. For instructions, see Producing a paper application.
- Re-Rate Applicant. Users with this permission may re-rate the group of applicant records on demand. Re-rating an applicant will not erase manual overrides already made to that applicant. For instructions, see Re-Rating an applicant record.
- Send Global Notification. Use this to send a global notification. This notification capability is intended for use when an entire applicant pool needs to be aware of something, such as the cancellation or extension of an announcement. For instructions, see Sending a global notification.
- History. This button displays a record of actions completed on a applicant overview; including the name of the user, action or change made, and the date and time it occurred. For instructions, see Viewing history.
Note: If a field is not displayed or you are unable to modify an item, it may be because you do not have access to this function with your assigned permission profile. Please contact your Office Administrator.