Create Permission Profile

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The Permission Profile page is where you create permission profiles unique to your office. To access this box, click Admin on the Dashboard, the Admin Home tab displays, click the Manage Permission Profiles link in the Users & Permissions section to open the Permissions Admin tab, and click Create Profile. The following elements are displayed:

Create Permission profile

  • Profile Name. This is the unique name of the permission profile.
  • User Type. This drop-down list displays the different user types available. User types available for selection may vary based on each user’s own permission profile.
  • Profile Description. This field allows you to provide a description of the profile. This field has a 450 character limit.
  • Profile Type. This field indicates if the permission profile includes a paid function or unpaid functions only.
  • Office. This drop-down list allows you to assign an owning office to each profile created. Offices available for selection may vary based on each user’s own permission profile.
  • Tags. This drop-down list allows you to assign Tags, such as Occupational Family, Appointing Authority or Office. Profiles tagged with an organization may be assigned to any user within that organization. For additional information, see Tags.
  • +. This icon allows you to view and enable specific functions within each section. The options are:
    • Enabled. A toggle indicates whether a user assigned the permission profile is allowed to perform the specific task.
    • Paid. This icon indicates whether a user assigned this permissions profile will require a paid license.
    • Function. These are the tasks within a section.
    • Definition. This column displays a definition of each function.
  • Section. This is the specific area within the system.

For instructions, see: